Master the Art of Direct Resin Bonding
The Center for Esthetic Excellence this Spring - 22nd to the 24th March 2018

Dr Jason Smithson
Join Dr. Jason Smithson for his popular “Day-to-Day Direct Composite Resins” class at the Center for Esthetic Excellence in downtown Chicago on March 22-24, 2018. Dr. Smithson is an international lecturer with a large following as well as being a widely published author on adhesive and esthetic dentistry in both the UK and abroad. This class will teach the General Dental Practitioner about everyday direct composite resin restorations in the anterior and posterior dentition, plus much, much more and will also include a large hands-on segment. Join Dr. Smithson in this fun and interactive class that will add value to your practice.
For more information, call Erika Heier and REGISTER TODAY at 800-837-2321 or visit us online at
Tagged as: Chicago March 2018
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